1.3.5. Choosing Healthy Proteins
Proteins in a Nutshell

Proteins are long chains of amino acids folded into precise structures that determine their functions, which are in the tens of thousands. They are the primary construction materials of the body serving as building blocks for bone, skin, hair, muscle, hormones, and antibodies. Without them we cannot breakdown or build macromolecules, grow, or heal from a wound. Too little protein impairs bodily functions and too much can lead to chronic disease. Eat proteins in moderation, at least 10 percent of the calories you take in and not more than 35 percent. Proteins are in a variety of foods. More complete sources are in animal-based foods, but choose those low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Some plant-based foods are also complete protein sources and don’t add much to your saturated fat or cholesterol intake. Incomplete protein sources can easily be combined in the daily diet and provide all of the essential amino acids at adequate levels. Growing children and the elderly need to ensure they get enough protein in their diet to help build and maintain muscle strength. Even if you’re a hardcore athlete, get your proteins from nutrient-dense foods as you need more than just protein to power up for an event. Nuts are one nutrient-dense food with a whole lot of protein. One ounce of pistachios, which is about fifty nuts, has the same amount of protein as an egg and contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, healthy polyunsaturated fats, and antioxidants. Moreover, the FDA says that eating one ounce of nuts per day can lower your risk for heart disease. Can you be a hardcore athlete and a vegetarian?
The analysis of vegetarian diets by the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) did not find professional athletes were inadequate in any nutrients, but did state that people who obtain proteins solely from plants should make sure they consume foods with vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and choline. Iron and zinc may also be of concern especially for female athletes. Being a vegetarian athlete requires that you pay more attention to what you eat, however this is also a true statement for all athletes. For an exhaustive list that provides the protein, calcium, cholesterol, fat, and fiber content, as well as the number of calories, of numerous foods, go to the website, http://www.soystache.com/protein.htm.
Everyday Connection
Getting All the Nutrients You Need—The Plant-Based Way
Below are five ways to assure you are getting all the nutrients needed on a plant-based diet:
- Get your protein from foods such as soybeans, tofu, tempeh, lentils, and beans, beans, and more beans. Many of these foods are high in zinc too.
- Eat foods fortified with vitamins B12 and D and calcium. Some examples are soy milk and fortified cereals.
- Get enough iron in your diet by eating kidney beans, lentils, whole-grain cereals, and leafy green vegetables.
- To increase iron absorption, eat foods with vitamin C at the same time.
- Don’t forget that carbohydrates and fats are required in your diet too, especially if you are training. Eat whole-grain breads, cereals, and pastas. For fats, eat an avocado, add some olive oil to a salad or stir-fry, or spread some peanut or cashew butter on a bran muffin.
Proteins, Diet, and Personal Choices
How Much Protein Does a Person Need in Their Diet?
Protein Input = Protein Used by the Body + Protein Excreted
The appropriate amount of protein in a person’s diet is that which maintains a balance between what is taken in and what is used.
For healthy adults, this amount of protein was determined to be 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. You can calculate your exact recommended protein intake per day based on your weight by using the following equation:
Protein Intake (g) = 0.8 g x body weight (kg)
(Weight in lbs to kg ÷ 2.2 lbs = 1 kg)
(Note that if a person is overweight, the amount of dietary protein recommended can be overestimated.)
During child growth or pregnancy, the body requires more protein to build new tissues, so more of what gets consumed gets used up and less nitrogen is excreted. A person healing from a severe wound may also be in positive nitrogen balance because protein is being used up to repair tissues.
Dietary Sources of Protein
The protein food group consists of foods made from meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, soy, dry beans, peas, and seeds. Different protein sources differ in their additional components, so it is necessary to pay attention to the whole nutrient “package.” Protein-rich animal-based foods commonly have high amounts of B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Seafood often contains healthy fats, and plant sources of protein contain a high amount of fiber. Some animal-based, protein-rich foods have an unhealthy amount of saturated fat and cholesterol. When choosing your dietary sources of protein, take note of the other nutrients and also the non-nutrients, such as cholesterol, dyes, and preservatives, in order to make good selections that will benefit your health. For instance, a hamburger patty made from 80 percent lean meat contains 22 grams of protein, 5.7 grams of saturated fat, and 77 milligrams of cholesterol. A burger made from 95 percent lean meat also contains 22 grams of protein, but has 2.3 grams of saturated fat and 60 milligrams of cholesterol. A cup of boiled soybeans contains 29 grams of protein, 2.2 grams of saturated fat, and no cholesterol. For more comparisons of protein-rich foods, see Table “Sources of Dietary Protein”.
Table Sources of Dietary Protein
Food | Protein content (g) | Saturated fat (g) | Cholesterol (mg) | Calories |
Hamburger patty 3 oz. (80% lean) | 22.0 | 5.7 | 77 | 230 |
Hamburger patty 3 oz. (95% lean) | 22.0 | 2.3 | 60 | 139 |
Top sirloin 3 oz. | 25.8 | 2.0 | 76 | 158 |
Beef chuck 3 oz. (lean, trimmed) | 22.2 | 1.8 | 51 | 135 |
Pork loin 3 oz. | 24.3 | 3.0 | 69 | 178 |
Pork ribs (country style, 1 piece) | 56.4 | 22.2 | 222 | 790 |
Chicken breast (roasted, 1 c.) | 43.4 | 1.4 | 119 | 231 |
Chicken thigh (roasted, 1 thigh) | 13.5 | 1.6 | 49 | 109 |
Chicken leg (roasted, 1 leg) | 29.6 | 4.2 | 105 | 264 |
Salmon 3 oz. | 18.8 | 2.1 | 54 | 175 |
Tilapia 3 oz. | 22.2 | 0.8 | 48 | 109 |
Halibut 3 oz. | 22.7 | 0.4 | 35 | 119 |
Shrimp 3 oz. | 17.8 | 0.2 | 166 | 84 |
Shrimp (breaded, fried, 6–8 pcs.) | 18.9 | 5.4 | 200 | 454 |
Tuna 3 oz. (canned) | 21.7 | 0.2 | 26 | 99 |
Soybeans 1 c. (boiled) | 29.0 | 2.2 | 0 | 298 |
Lentils 1 c. (boiled) | 17.9 | 0.1 | 0 | 226 |
Kidney beans 1 c. (canned) | 13.5 | 0.2 | 0 | 215 |
Sunflower seeds 1 c. | 9.6 | 2.0 | 0 | 269 |
Source: Proteins, Diets and Personal Choices
Protein Quality
While protein is contained in a wide variety of foods, it differs in quality. High-quality protein contains all the essential amino acids in the proportions needed by the human body. The amino acid profile of different foods is therefore one component of protein quality. Foods that contain some of the essential amino acids are called incomplete protein sources, while those that contain all nine essential amino acids are called complete protein sources, or high-quality protein sources. Foods that are complete protein sources include animal foods such as milk, cheese, eggs, fish, poultry, and meat, and a few plant foods, such as soy and quinoa. The only animal-based protein that is not complete is gelatin, which is made of the protein, collagen.
Figure Complete and Incomplete Protein Sources

Most plant-based foods are deficient in at least one essential amino acid and therefore are incomplete protein sources. For example, grains are usually deficient in the amino acid lysine, and legumes are deficient in methionine or tryptophan. Because grains and legumes are not deficient in the same amino acids they can complement each other in a diet. Incomplete protein foods are called complementary foods because when consumed in tandem they contain all nine essential amino acids at adequate levels. Some examples of complementary protein foods are given in Table “Complementing Protein Sources the Vegan Way”. Complementary protein sources do not have to be consumed at the same time—as long as they are consumed within the same day, you will meet your protein needs.
Table Complementing Protein Sources the Vegan Way
Foods | Lacking amino acids | Complementary food | Complementary menu |
Legumes | Methionine, tryptophan | Grains, nuts, and seeds | Hummus and whole-wheat pita |
Grains | Lysine, isoleucine, threonine | Legumes | Cornbread and kidney bean chili |
Nuts and seeds | Lysine, isoleucine | Legumes | Stir-fried tofu with cashews |
Note: In a vegetarian or vegan diet certain foods can be eaten together to increase protein absorption.
The second component of protein quality is digestibility, as not all protein sources are equally digested. In general, animal-based proteins are completely broken down during the process of digestion, whereas plant-based proteins are not. This is because some proteins are contained in the plant’s fibrous cell walls and these pass through the digestive tract unabsorbed by the body.
Protein Needs: Special Considerations
Some groups may need to examine how to meet their protein needs more closely than others. We will take a closer look at the special protein considerations for vegetarians, the elderly, and athletes.
Vegetarians and Vegans
People who follow variations of the vegetarian diet and consume eggs and/or dairy products can meet their protein requirements by consuming adequate amounts of these foods. Vegetarians and vegans can also attain their recommended protein intakes if they give a little more attention to high-quality plant-based protein sources. However, when following a vegetarian diet, the amino acid lysine can be challenging to acquire. Grains, nuts, and seeds are lysine-poor foods, but tofu, soy, quinoa, and pistachios are all good sources of lysine. Following a vegetarian diet and getting the recommended protein intake is also made a little more difficult because the digestibility of plant-based protein sources is lower than the digestibility of animal-based protein.
Elderly People
As we age, muscle mass gradually declines. This is a process referred to as sarcopenia. A person is sarcopenic when their amount of muscle tissue is significantly lower than the average value for a healthy person of the same age. A significantly lower muscle mass is associated with weakness, movement disorders, and a generally poor quality of life.
Currently, the RDA for protein for elderly persons is the same as that for the rest of the adult population, but several clinical trials are ongoing and are focused on determining the amount of protein in the diet that prevents the significant loss of muscle mass specifically in older adults.
Muscle tissue is rich in protein composition and has a very high turnover rate. During exercise, especially when it is performed for longer than two to three hours, muscle tissue is broken down and some of the amino acids are catabolized to fuel muscle contraction. To avert excessive borrowing of amino acids from muscle tissue to synthesize energy during prolonged exercise, protein needs to be obtained from the diet. Intense exercise, such as strength training, stresses muscle tissue so that afterward, the body adapts by building bigger, stronger, and healthier muscle tissue. The body requires protein post-exercise to accomplish this. The IOM does not set different RDAs for protein intakes for athletes, but the AND, the American College of Sports Medicine, and Dietitians of Canada have the following position statements[1]:
Nitrogen balance studies suggest that dietary protein intake necessary to support nitrogen balance in endurance athletes ranges from 1.2 to 1.4 grams per kilogram of body weight per day.
Recommended protein intakes for strength-trained athletes range from approximately 1.2 to 1.7 grams per kilogram of weight per day.
An endurance athlete who weighs 170 pounds should take in 93 to 108 grams of protein per day (170lbs = 77kg, protein intake = 77 × 1.2 or = 77 × 1.4). On a 3,000-kilocalorie diet, that amount is between 12 and 14 percent of total kilocalories and within the AMDR. There is general scientific agreement that endurance and strength athletes should consume protein from high-quality sources, such as dairy, eggs, lean meats, or soy; however eating an excessive amount of protein at one time does not further stimulate muscle-protein synthesis. Nutrition experts also recommend that athletes consume some protein within one hour after exercise to enhance muscle tissue repair during the recovery phase, but some carbohydrates and water should be consumed as well. The recommended ratio from nutrition experts for exercise-recovery foods is 4 grams of carbohydrates to 1 gram of protein.
Table Snacks for Exercise Recovery
Foods | Protein (g) | Carbohydrates (g) | Calories |
Whole grain cereal with nonfat milk | 14 | 53 | 260 |
Medium banana with nonfat milk | 10 | 39 | 191 |
Power bar | 10 | 43 | 250 |
Chocolate Milk | 8 | 32 | 210 |
Note: There are numerous foods that can be eaten post exercise to ensure all the nutrients required for recovery are present.
In response to hard training, a person’s body also adapts by becoming more efficient in metabolizing nutrient fuels both for energy production and building macromolecules. However, this raises another question: if athletes are more efficient at using protein, is it necessary to take in more protein from dietary sources than the average person? There are two scientific schools of thought on this matter. One side believes athletes need more protein and the other thinks the protein requirements of athletes are the same as for nonathletes. There is scientific evidence to support both sides of this debate. The consensus of both sides is that few people exercise at the intensity that makes this debate relevant. It is good to remember that the increased protein intake recommended by the AND, American College of Sports Medicine, and Dietitians of Canada still lies within the AMDR for protein.
Protein Supplements
Protein supplements include powders made from compounds such as whey, soy or amino acids that either come as a powder or in capsules. We have noted that the protein requirements for most people, even those that are active, is not high. Is taking protein supplements ever justified, then? Neither protein nor amino acid supplements have been scientifically proven to improve exercise performance or increase strength. In addition, the average North American already consumes more protein than is required. Despite these facts, many highly physically active individuals use protein or amino acid supplements. According to the AND, American College of Sports Medicine, and Dietitians of Canada, “the current evidence indicates that protein and amino acid supplements are no more or no less effective than food when energy is adequate for gaining lean body mass.”[2]
Branched-chain amino acids, such as leucine, are often touted as a way to build muscle tissue and enhance athletic performance. Despite these marketing claims, a review in the June 2005 issue of The Journal of Nutrition shows that most studies that evaluated a variety of exercise types failed to show any performance-enhancing effects of taking branched-chain amino acids.[3]
Moreover, the author of this review claims that high-quality protein foods are a better and cheaper source for branched-chain amino acids and says that a chicken breast (100 grams) contains the equivalent of seven times the amount of branched-chain amino acids as one supplement tablet. This means if you are interested in enhancing exercise performance or building muscle, you do not need to support the $20 billion supplement industry.
Although the evidence for protein and amino acid supplements impacting athletic performance is lacking, there is some scientific evidence that supports consuming high-quality dairy proteins, such as casein and whey, and soy proteins positively influences muscle recovery in response to hard training. If you choose to buy a bucket of whey protein, use it to make a protein shake after an intense workout and do not add more than what is required to obtain 20 to 25 grams of protein. As always, choosing high-quality protein foods will help you build muscle and not empty your wallet as much as buying supplements. Moreover, relying on supplements for extra protein instead of food will not provide you with any of the other essential nutrients that food contains. The bottom line is that whether you are an endurance athlete or strength athlete, or just someone who takes Zumba classes, there is very little need to put your money into commercially sold protein and amino acid supplements. The evidence to show that they are superior to regular food in enhancing exercise performance is not sufficient.
What about the numerous protein shakes and protein bars on the market? Are they a good source of dietary protein? Do they help you build muscle or lose weight as marketers claim? These are not such a bad idea for an endurance or strength athlete who has little time to fix a nutritious exercise-recovery snack. However, before you ingest any supplement, do your homework. Read the label, be selective, and don’t use them to replace meals, but rather as exercise-recovery snacks now and then. Some protein bars have a high amount of carbohydrates from added sugars and are not actually the best source for protein, especially if you are not an athlete. Protein bars are nutritionally designed to restore carbohydrates and protein after endurance or strength training; therefore they are not good meal replacements. If you want a low-cost alternative after an intense workout, make yourself a peanut butter sandwich on whole-grain bread and add some sliced banana for less than fifty cents.
Supermarket and health-food store shelves offer an extraordinary number of high-protein shake mixes. While the carbohydrate count is lower now in some of these products than a few years ago, they still contain added fats and sugars. They also cost, on average, more than two dollars per can. If you want more nutritional bang for your buck, make your own shakes from whole foods. Use the AMDRs for macronutrients as a guide to fill up the blender. Your homemade shake can now replace some of the whole foods on your breakfast, lunch, or dinner plate. Unless you are an endurance or strength athlete and consume commercially sold protein bars and shakes only post exercise, these products are not a good dietary source of protein.
- American College of Sports Medicine, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and Dietitians of Canada. Joint Position Statement: Nutrition and Athletic Performance. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2009; 41(3), 709-31. http://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/fulltext/2009/03000/Nutrition_and_Athletic_Performance.27.aspx. Accessed September 28, 2017. ↵
- American College of Sports Medicine, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and Dietitians of Canada. Joint Position Statement: Nutrition and Athletic Performance. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2009; 41(3), 709-31. http://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/fulltext/2009/03000/Nutrition_and_Athletic_Performance.27.aspx. Accessed September 28, 2017. ↵
- Gleeson, M. Interrelationship between Physical Activity and Branched-Chain Amino Acids. The Journal of Nutrition. 2005; 135(6), 1591S–5S. http://jn.nutrition.org/content/135/6/1591S.long. Accessed October 1, 2017. ↵