Book Title: Digital Marketing Strategy

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Book Description: The Internet has transformed how businesses conduct their activities and how consumers go about buying products. This textbook aims to provide a way of conceptualizing how to do marketing online and a strategic framework to do so.
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Book Description
The Internet has transformed how businesses conduct their activities and how consumers go about buying products. This textbook aims to provide a way of conceptualizing how to do marketing online and a strategic framework to do so. The first section explains how the Internet has transformed the ways firms have to create value and how consumers experience brands and products. The second section provides an in-depth presentation of a digital marketing framework centered on conversion-based marketing. This framework echoes the work of many digital marketing agencies. It is composed of four stages, through which firms can attract visitors, create leads, transform leads into customers, and foster customer loyalty.
Digital Marketing Strategy Copyright © by Pierre-Yann Dolbec is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Online marketing / Social media marketing