
  1. Introduction

  2. Acknowledgments

  3. List of Figures

    1. Introduction to Digital Marketing

      1. Overview
      2. Creating Value in the Digital Age
    2. Understanding the Digital Consumer

      1. Overview
      2. Understanding Consumers Through Personas
      3. Rethinking the Consumer Journey
      4. Understanding Consumer Journeys
      5. Zero Moment of Truth
      6. Journey Mapping
      7. Exercises
    3. Planning for a Digital Marketing Campaign

      1. Overview
      2. SEO
      3. Understanding How Consumers Use Keywords
      4. Using Keywords to Analyze Competitors
      5. Exercises
    4. Introduction to Digital Strategy

      1. Overview
      2. Inbound and Outbound Marketing
      3. Paid, Owned, and Earned Media
      4. Objectives, Goals, and KPIs
      5. Strategy and Tactics
      6. RACE Framework
      7. From Persona and Journey to Strategy
      8. From a Journey Map to a Conversion Path
      9. RACE for Competitive Analysis
      10. Exercises
    5. Reach: Generating Awareness and Attracting Visitors

      1. Overview
      2. Reach
      3. Landing Pages
      4. Paid Media Activities
      5. Social Media and RACE
      6. Exercises
    6. Act: Creating Content

      1. Overview
      2. Creating Content
      3. Structuring Content Creation
      4. RACE and Content Marketing
      5. Pillar Pages
      6. Content Calendar
      7. Exercises
    7. Act: Lead Generation and Lead Nurturing

      1. Overview
      2. ACT
      3. Leads and Lead Generation
      4. Lead Scoring
      5. Lead Nurturing
      6. Exercises
    8. Convert: Conversion Optimization

      1. Overview
      2. Convert
      3. A/B Testing
      4. Conversion-Centered Principles
      5. Remarketing and Retargeting
      6. Exercises
    9. Engage: Building Loyalty and Co-Creating With Customers

      1. Overview
      2. Engage
      3. Customer Lifetime Value
      4. RFM Analysis
      5. Net Promoter Score
      6. Engaging Customers in Co-Creation Activities
      7. Exercises
  4. About the Author

  5. Versioning History

  6. Appendix: Text Descriptions of Figures

    1. Figure 2.2 Types of Segmentation↩
    2. Figure 2.3 RV Betty↩
    3. Figure 4.2 KPIs Example↩
    4. Figure 4.3 AARRR↩
    5. Figure 4.4 RACE Goals↩
    6. Figure 4.8 Conversion Path – 2nd Example↩
    7. Figure 4.9 RACE↩
    8. Figure 5.18 Longtail Keywords and Conversion Rate↩
    9. Figure 5.19 Facebook Ad Objectives↩
    10. Figure 6.13 Content Calendar↩
    11. Figure 7.10 Email Automation↩
    12. Figure 8.2 Funnel↩
    13. Figure 8.20 Landing Page Evaluation↩
    14. Figure 9.2 Value Chain↩
    15. Table for Exercises in Chapters 4↩, 5↩, and 6↩