Glossary terms

assessment activity

An activity in which learners are asked to successfully demonstrate their level/extent of knowledge, performance of skills, or development of attitudes.

constructive alignment

An approach to course designing beginning with the end, the learning outcomes, and crafting alignment with assessments, teaching activities and content.

course goals

General statements that indicate the broad intentions of a course. These goals can be mapped to the program curriculum as indicators of purpose and cohesion.

learning outcome

A statement that describes what a student is expected to learn from a single class, a course or an entire program.


An instructional unit that focuses on a particular topic.

teaching activity

An activity designed to support learners in developing their knowledge, skills or attitudes.

teaching objectives

Describes the instructor’s responsibilities, goals or intentions for the course. They often focus on the content that you, as the instructor, want to cover with your students.

threshold topics

Concepts that are typically difficulty or counterintuitive, but once understood transformative in the way students view the topic. Most instructors can easily identify the main threshold topics in their course.


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