Book Title: A guide to embedding education for sustainability in higher education courses

Author: Centre for Teaching & Learning

Cover image for A guide to embedding education for sustainability in higher education courses

Book Description: Discover the essence of education for sustainability and its integration across disciplines. This book offers a beginner's toolkit, evidence-based insights, and best practices to inspire and guide faculty, while also showcasing the latest trends for those already championing sustainability in teaching.

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Book Information

Book Description

Discover the essence of education for sustainability and its integration across disciplines. This book offers a beginner’s toolkit, evidence-based insights, and best practices to inspire and guide faculty, while also showcasing the latest trends for those already championing sustainability in teaching.

‘We have the choice to change our educational mandates to stop teaching for “unsustainability” (i.e. the perpetration and perpetuation of social and ecological crises) and transform our pedagogical perspective to teach for sustainability (i.e. social and ecological justice). In order to move beyond reproduction of our social ills, teaching for sustainability requires transformation to new ways of approaching education and life.’ (Sipos et al., 2008, p.71)


Centre for Teaching & Learning


Teaching skills & techniques


A guide to embedding education for sustainability in higher education courses
Centre for Teaching & Learning
Primary Subject
Teaching skills & techniques
Additional Subject(s)
Sustainability, Curriculum planning & development, For higher / tertiary / university education
Centre for Teaching and Learning
Publication Date
June 13, 2024