Writing analysis
Directed Paraphrase
Students craft a concise explanation of a difficult course concept in their own words for a specific audience.
Promotes: content analysis, understanding
- About Directed Paraphrasing (Pennsylvania State University)
Insights-Resources-Application (IRAs)
In response to a lecture or reading, students: explain insights they’ve gained, identify an additional resource that has similar themes, and write how the reading applies to their own personal experience.
Promotes: understanding, critical thinking, learning how to learn
- Additional materials for Insights-Resources-Applications by The K. Patricia Cross Academy
- Online Teaching Adaptation: IRAs video by The K. Patricia Cross Academy
Teaching Technique 30: IRAs video © The K. Patricia Cross Academy
Reflective Writing
An instructional strategy to encourage students to engage on a deeper level with course learning material.
Promotes: knowledge organization, self-regulated learning
- About Reflective Writing (SALTISE)
- Reflective Writing on Waves (SALTISE)
Reflective Writing video © SkillsTeamHullUni (Skills Team: University of Hull, UK)