Complementary Disciplines in Applied Human Sciences
It is important to consider that there a range of disciplinary perspectives that are complementary in the social sciences, each providing a particular lens through which to examine any given social phenomenon. In the applied human sciences, we are most familiar with theory and findings from sociology, psychology, and social-psychology, but disciplines such as economics, history, and political science can each contribute to our understanding.
For example, many students pursue double majors in sociology and psychology. While the two disciplines are complementary, they are not the same. Consider the topic of gang membership. While a psychologist may be interested in identifying what traumatic personal experiences or emotional state might drive a person to join a gang, a sociologist is more likely to examine whether there are patterns in terms of who joins gangs. Are members of some social classes more likely than others to join gangs? Does a person’s geographical location appear to play a role in determining the likelihood that he or she will join a gang? In other words, psychologists and sociologists share an interest in human behavior, but psychologists tend to focus on individuals while sociologists consider individuals within the context of the social groups to which they belong.
Philosophers and social scientists also share some common interests, including a desire to understand beliefs about the nature of good and bad. But while a philosopher might consider what general or logical principles make up a good or a bad society, a social scientist is more likely to study how specific social realities, such as the presence of gangs in a community, impact perceptions of that community as either good or bad. Other disciplines that share some overlapping interests include political science, economics, and history.