Here are some of the repositories used to discover the OER contained within this guide:
A growing selection of open textbooks for a variety of subjects and specialties. Many have been reviewed by faculty, meet accessibility requirements, and/or include supplementary materials.
Over 300 open textbooks in subjects including arts, business, health, recreation, science and social sciences.
Founded in 2008, LibreTexts is a leading, non-commercial open textbook organization for higher education. In Oct. 2018, the U.S. Dept. of Education awarded LibreTexts $5 million over 3 years to expand its collection of primary source textbooks and supplemental learning resources.
Open textbooks for math and economics; license fees for accompanying online assessments. Print-on-demand available for purchase.
A meta-search tool that simultaneously searches several large OER repositories of open educational materials.
Peer-reviewed free learning materials, exercises and webpages, and open textbooks.
A search tool for discovery of open content from 57 different sources.
A large OER repository, including textbooks. A product of the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education.
Peer-reviewed texts in science, math, social sciences. Supported by additional learning resources. Print copies available via Amazon.
Open textbooks in a variety of disciplines.
A resource for peer-reviewed academic textbooks that are free, openly licensed, and complete.
Open Textbook project with over 2800 titles.