Flipped course model
This course model uses a flipped approach to teaching, where students read or watch videos before coming to class to get acquainted with the material. Once in class, the instructor reviews key ideas and leads students through discussion with prepared questions to uncover and clarify misconceptions. Subsequently, the instructor may use active learning techniques to promote deeper understanding and consolidation of the content, such as problem-solving or engaging in groups.
- Halve the face-to-face time
- Meet both groups each week for only half the scheduled class time.
In-class activities should focus on clarifying complex concepts, including mini-lectures to clarify and provide additional examples, concept-checking quizzes or polls, practice problems, case studies, and other activities that help students grapple with the new concepts and skills.
Table: Example weekly schedule for flipped course model
Week | In-class | Out-of-class |
1 | Introduction to the course (3 hours) | Readings or lecture videos and other activities to prepare for the week two in-class lesson |
2 | In-class activities | As above |
3 | No in-class session | Working on assignments or other activities as a follow-up to the week 2 lesson.
Readings or lecture videos and other activities to prepare for the week four in-class lesson |
4 | In-class activities | As above |
5 | No in-class session | Working on assignments or other activities as a follow-up to the week four lesson.
Readings or lecture videos and other activities to prepare for the week six in-class lesson. Review activities |
6 | Mid-course check-in | As above |
7 | No in-class session | Working on assignments or other activities as a follow-up to the week six lesson.
Readings or lecture videos and other activities to prepare for the week eight in-class lesson |
8 | In-class activities | Working on assignments or other activities as a follow-up to the week eight lesson.
Readings or lecture videos and other activities to prepare for the week ten in-class lesson. |
9 | No in-class session | As above |
10 | In-class activities | Working on assignments or other activities as a follow-up to the week ten lesson.
Working on final assignments |
11 | No in-class session | As above |
12 | Review and course wrap-up | Course review activities
Working on final assignments |