Leading a tutorial or lab

TAs play a crucial role in enhancing students‘ understanding of course concepts. Tutorials, laboratories, and studios are typically smaller class sections that allow for more personalized and one-on-one help. Leading one of these classes can you give a first look into all of the elements of teaching – in and outside of the classroom.
In this section, you will find the information you need if you are leading a class this semester. First, we will examine what qualities make for good teaching. Next, we’ll go through a few checklists to make sure you have everything you need before class. Then, we’ll dive into the elements of planning for a lesson, covering the variety of classes that may be taught at Concordia with sample lesson plans and instructional activities. We’ll then offer prompts to help you reflect after class to improve on your teaching, and finally talk about what building a positive classroom environment looks like with community guidelines and what to do when conflicts arise.