- active learning
An approach to classroom teaching and learning that focusses on planning and guiding students through various activities that require learning by doing. Active learning activities include but are not limited to group work, discussions, presentations, and problem-solving.
- Decolonizing
Decolonization is "the intelligent, calculated, and active resistance to the forces of colonialism that perpetuate the subjugation and/or exploitation of our minds, bodies and lands – it is engaged for the ultimate purpose of overturning the colonial structure and realizing Indigenous peoples’ liberation"(Wilson & Yellow Bird, 2005).
- Eurocentric canons of thought
Refers to work that historically has prioritized and valorized European perspectives, often at the expense of non-European perspectives, thus perpetuating an uneven and narrow understanding of the world and its history.
- Indigenizing
Indigenization is an ongoing process that involves integrating Indigenous perspectives, knowledge, and practices into various aspects of the university, fostering a more respectful and collaborative relationship with Indigenous communities.
- Moodle
The online learning management system used at Concordia. Typically, lecture slides, discussion forums, and assignments are posted here.
- pedagogy
The approaches and activities of teaching.
- plagiarism
The presentation of another’s work as one’s own or without proper acknowledgement.
- pomodoro method
A time management technique designed to help break down larger tasks into smaller chunks — such as alternating 25-minute focused increments with five-minute breaks in between. Typically, after four rounds of work and break, you take a longer 15-30 minute break.
- positionality
Positionality refers to where one is located in relation to their various social identities (gender, race, class, ethnicity, ability, geographical location etc.)— the combination of these identities and their intersections shape how we understand and engage with the world, including our knowledges, perspectives, and teaching practices. As individuals and as instructors, we occupy multiple identities that are fluid and dialogical in nature, contextually situated, and continuously amended and reproduced (Alcoff, 1988).
- rapport
A relationship built between people or groups that is based on mutual trust and understanding.
- reciprocity
Reciprocity is a characteristic of a relationship in which both parties can mutually benefit in a way that they value.
- student-centred teaching approach
It can also be referred to as ‘learner-centred’ teaching or pedagogy. This educational approach prioritizes the varied needs and interests of the learner and encourages them to take a more active role in the learning process through interactive, experiential and collaborative techniques.