
Adding media can enhance the learning environment through multimodal learning. The more we engage our senses, the easier it is to learn. In this section we cover the basics of how to add audio, video, and images into your Pressbooks project.

The upload limit for images and supplemental PDFs is 2MB per image and 20 MB for other content. Accepted file types include JPG, PNG, SVG, and PDF. You can save media to the Media Library, where captions with copyright information and alt text can be added. Embedding audio and video is recommended.

While considering what media elements to add, remember that accessibility and copyright matter. You will want to keep track of all media content for accessibility, copyright compliance, and captions with attribution information.

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Guide to Pressbooks at Concordia University (DRAFT) Copyright © by Rachel Harris; Sana Ahmad; Rahil Kakkad; Zo Kopyna; Chhayhee Sok; Asifur Rahman; Lena Palacios; and Ariel Harlap is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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