
This living guidebook is a collaborative project developed and designed by our evolving OER Work-Study Team of students who work with me at Concordia University Library. We aim to inspire potential Pressbooks users and grant recipients while showing them how the platform can be easy to use.

Special thanks to co-authors, namely Sana Ahmad for our preliminary draft, Rahil Kakkad for his work on our Modifying the Default Design section, and Zo Kopyna for their work on our Accessibility section. Thanks to Chhayhee Sok and Asifur Rahman for chapter-level additions. Ariel Harlap’s contributions will appear in forthcoming sections on Stacking Learning Technologies and Third-Party Content.

Our guidebook has evolved with the OER Work-Study Team. It began in 2023 when Sana Ahmad designed the initial sketch in response to our OER Team discussions on how best to assist and inspire OER grant recipients. Several students on the team have tested and explored Pressbooks, which has been an essential part of our growth and process. Sana Ahmad, Rahil Kakkad, Zo Kopyna, Lena Palacios, and Arial Harlap (Centre of Teaching and Learning) helped test the platform. Between 2024 and 2025, Rahil Kakkad and Zo Kopyna contributed to our understanding of best self-publishing practices and Pressbooks’ functionalities. Zo refined the overall design for consistency and accessibility considerations, working with Rahil’s in-house platform expertise. Asifur Rahman and Noémie Sauvé contributed to copyright checking and attribution statements. Sarah Fakhri designed the cover.


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Guide to Pressbooks at Concordia University (DRAFT) Copyright © by Rachel Harris; Sana Ahmad; Rahil Kakkad; Zo Kopyna; Chhayhee Sok; Asifur Rahman; Lena Palacios; and Ariel Harlap is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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