What is Pressbooks?

Pressbooks is a variation of WordPress that facilitates the publication of accessible, customizable, reusable, and iterative open textbooks. Suited to accessible learning in our digital age, it enables publishing in many formats, including as a website, PDF document, EPUB (usable in most eReaders), and various editable files.

Pressbooks: FAQ

What is Pressbooks?
What are the advantages of using Pressbooks?
What can I expect from this user guide?
Where can I find more help with Pressbooks?

If none of these Pressbooks resources contain an answer to your specific question, post in the Community Forum, where your questions are viewed and responded to by other Pressbooks users.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Guide to Pressbooks at Concordia University (DRAFT) Copyright © by Rachel Harris; Sana Ahmad; Rahil Kakkad; Zo Kopyna; Chhayhee Sok; Asifur Rahman; Lena Palacios; and Ariel Harlap is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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