Private: Faculty of Arts and Science – Humanities

French – Études françaises

   Open Textbooks and Concordia Courses

Au Boulot! First Year French
Chapeau! First-Year French
Français Interactif
Introduction to French
Let’s Read French Books
Paris à travers les pages
Pour une linguistique du développement
Résumer, synthétiser, argumenter
Sons & Lettres: A pronunciation method for intermediate-level French
Tout un Monde: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Intermediate French
French LibreText
Open Textbook Title Potentially Relevant Courses

   Description and Access

Au Boulot! First-Year French

Au boulot! is a two-year college French program consisting of a textbook, a workbook with 21 accompanying audio exercises, and a reference grammar to be used for the entire two years. The text and workbook are shorter and “lighter” than the average first-year texts have become in recent years, at least in part because we want to provide a core of grammar presentation and exercises, both mechanical and creative while allowing instructors the flexibility to choose their own reading materials, of which there is a variety of excellent ones available.

Includes: Workbook, audio exercises, and reference grammar book.

Chapeau! First-Year French

Chapeau! is a first-year college text. Although it may appear, at first glance, to move very fast and introduce a large amount of material early, the vocabulary and grammatical structures that students are expected to control actively by the end of the year are limited in accord with our notion of a reasonable application of the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.

Includes: Workbook, and audio exercises.

Français Interactif

This open textbook accompanies course content that explores the French language and culture by following students’ lives as they participate in intensive French language programming.

Includes: videos, audio vocabulary recordings, phonetics lessons, and online activities

Introduction to French

Introduction to French is a basic French language textbook designed to develop reading, writing, and speaking skills of college students in classrooms across Canada.

Includes: audio files

Let’s Read French Books

Reading books is a great way to learn a language. It helps to discover the culture, learn new words, and be exposed to different language structures in the context. But one of the biggest challenges in language and literature classes is encouraging students to read. This project aims to make reading literary books easier for students by creating an open textbook reader using Public Domain 19th-century French literature. Along with the text, there are activities for students to engage with and discover the text.

Includes: Questions, interactive activities, and vocabulary (with audio for pronunciation).


This is an introductory level French textbook that is focused on the communicative approach. Each chapter includes around communicative strategies, culture and grammar.

Includes: end-of-chapter exercises

Paris à travers les pages

Paris Through the Pages is the culminating project for an advanced level undergraduate French course that explores the images of Paris in literary works from the 17th to 20th centuries. As an open source book, it is intended to be re-used, revised, and repurposed by undergraduate students and academics in French studies. The students who participated in this project spent a semester reading works by French authors from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, integrating them within their historical and cultural contexts.

Includes: Videos, key takeaways, reflection activity, and quiz.

Pour une linguistique du développement

Le développement des sociétés africaines n’est-il qu’une question économique? La linguistique est-elle condamnée à n’être qu’une science positiviste qui observe sans s’impliquer? Ce livre offre de riches perspectives à ceux et celles qui répondent non à ces deux questions. Il montre qu’il est possible de faire place, dans les sciences du langage, à des préoccupations citoyennes orientées vers la correction d’une précarité communicationnelle nuisible à l’épanouissement des sociétés africaines. Ce que l’autrice propose de nommer « linguistique du développement » peut, par exemple, aider l’agronome intervenant dans le monde paysan à adopter la langue la plus appropriée. Des travaux linguistiques de codification ou de traduction peuvent contribuer à préserver et valoriser des savoirs locaux d’une pertinence sociale attestée. Les linguistes peuvent aussi mettre au jour les ressorts langagiers des pratiques corruptives. Il s’agit là de quelques-uns des chantiers de la linguistique du développement, nouveau paradigme des sciences du langage au service du bien commun, qui trouve dans ce livre ses fondements théoriques et éthiques.

Résumer, synthétiser, argumenter

Le manuel s’adresse aux étudiants de français langue seconde de niveau avancé.

Includes: exercices interactifs, points de langue

Sons & Lettres: A pronunciation method for intermediate-level French

This textbook provides a set of classroom materials to train students to hear and produce the sounds of French and to recognize the regular spellings used to represent those sounds in print.

Includes: exercises, audio on supplementary website

Written by a faculty at University of Texas Arlington, this book is intended for use with intermediate level college French classes. Its multidisciplinary approach introduces students to topics and vocabulary associated with fields such as medicine, advertising, travel, business, agriculture, and relationships.

Includes: exercises

Frenchs LibreText 

A collection of open textbooks, assignments, and other educational resources on learning specific languages, including French.

Support for Open Textbooks at Concordia

  • There are grants available to adopt an open textbook for your course.
  • Make suggestions for this page by emailing
  • Learn more about OER.

Adapted from OER By Discipline Guide Version 2 Copyright by Lauri M. Aesoph, CC BY 4.0.


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OER Discipline Resource Guide: Concordia University Library - 2nd edition Copyright © 2023 by Concordia University Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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